Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spring's Prayer


I’ve asked you one thing and you showered me more than I could think of. And now…It’s my turn

It has been how many months (November 28, 2007) and it's now I know it's time for a circle of appreciation

Now, it’s time for me to give back the blessings a praises. Attend to the real reason why I join Seasons. Perhaps, too late for me but not for You

You might have placed me here in Seasons: To make me ready for a bigger world. To make me more confident and more efficient. To develop more of my sense of responsibility towards other people

But I could never be ME without You and the other Seasons that I am with. The three of them who taught me how to walk until I could run

Let these three people understand and feel that they are not forgotten - Summer, Winter, Autumn

Summer For letting me experienced a selfless love even just for while. My imperfections have been molded. Through him, I have learned to accept reality - that sometimes, we just really have to be thankful for what we have and not ask for anything more

Winter For understanding and patience. The warmth of his sweetness The ever-boring jokes that made us laugh. Life could never be as happy Unless I live it, the Winter way - simple but with directions.

Autumn Which took me only a day to know how great he works, my salute. Who might frown at times, but whose laughter would say, “everything’s gonna be alright.” He really is The Doctor. He is The Healer.

Summer, Winter, Autumn Who despite the heavy loads, We're able to give friendship and kept our generosity

That though we won’t be seeing each other that often. May we value the times. The triumphs and struggles. Simply, the Seasons' way

It’s my pleasure to spend life with them! Bless them. Guide them!



Rygel said...

you know me, i can't stop myself from talking and reacting even if all that is needed is for me to listen :) kaya lang this time I don't know what to say except I have an idea what you're going through and I know the hurt will lessen in time and there will always be loved ones who will accept what is. Love you Spring

Anonymous said...

...things are getting harder and harder; I don't know where to go, I don't know whom to run to either! I am lost. I did not expect things will go this way. I am afraid of what will happen next. I've been good kid, son, a brother - with my whole life; with one "mistake?" they cannot accept and understand me. I am not a killer, neither nor a gambler, to be hated and treated this way. I am their son, their brother - and I need support & guidance from them.

GOD, help me understand the puzzle you gave me; shower me with wisdom to take the right path and good directions.